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Bruce Power update 2024-06-20

Following a recent review of waste containers across the industry, neutron radiation was measured near retube waste containers securing materials from Bruce Power refurbishment activities. These containers are stored at Ontario Power Generation’s Western Waste Management facility and the neutron … Read more

Bruce Power statement – CNSC decision 2023-10-16

On Oct. 16, a decision by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission confirmed the ongoing safety of CANDU technology and pressure tubes in Canada’s nuclear reactors. This decision was informed by years of detailed research and analysis into pressure tube integrity … Read more

Bruce A update 2023-06-12

On April 25, operations staff discovered a leak of heavy water from the Unit 4 heat transport system. Operations staff followed procedure and safely removed the unit from service and then took actions to stop the spill and safely clean … Read more

Bruce Power site photo

Bruce A Update 2023-04-26

On April 25, a leakage of heavy water from Unit 4 was identified by operations staff who safely removed the unit from service. The spill of heavy water from the unit was contained inside the Bruce A station. There have … Read more

Bruce Power site photo

Bruce Power update 2023-03-15

On Feb. 2, 2023 a shipment from Bruce Power contained tritium above the unconditional release clearance levels established by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen and the unconditional release clearance is established for the ‘free-release’ … Read more

Aerial photo of Bruce Power from over Lake Huron

Bruce Power statement regarding CNSC penalty 2022-09-07

Bruce Power continues to prioritize the safety and quality of installed components as we progress with our Major Component Replacement Project activities. The company recently failed to meet CNSC expectations for the segregation of replacement components while quality assurance checks … Read more

Bruce Power site photo

Bruce A update 2022-01-19

On Jan. 19, there was a spill of heavy water onto the floor of Unit 1 at Bruce A. Crews were completing maintenance on a moderator tank and a valve did not fully close as expected, resulting in the spill … Read more

Bruce Power site photo

Unit 3 Approved for Restart – CNSC Update 2021-10-06

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has granted approval to Bruce Power for the restart of Unit 3 which is currently offline for planned maintenance and inspection activities. On Sept. 23, the Commission announced that it had confirmed or amended … Read more

Bruce Power site photo

Bruce Power Inspection Update 2021-09-23

Earlier today, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced that it had confirmed or amended orders issued to Bruce Power and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) related to pressure tube fitness for service following a public hearing held on Sept. 10. … Read more

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