Looking beyond boundaries – boundaries allow for a simplified division of responsibility and ownership, but nature itself knows no boundaries and everything in nature is interconnected. At Bruce Power, we understand our boundaries, and also acknowledge our operational impact and influence does not end at our property line, so neither does our responsibility to influence and uphold environmental stewardship. As a major clean energy provider for the province of Ontario, we have a systematic approach to identify, prevent, reduce, and enhance our environmental impact, and this is critical to the longevity of our business.
The Bruce Power site is situated on the east shore of Lake Huron, approximately 18 kilometers north of Kincardine within the traditional lands and treaty territory of the people of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON), which includes the Chippewa’s of Nawash Unceded First Nation and Saugeen First Nation. Bruce Power is dedicated to honouring Indigenous history and culture, and is committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect with the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON), Georgian Bay Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) and the Historic Saugeen Métis and to leading by example in the community and industry.
The site itself is made up of multiple property owners that provide a variety of services. Through a lease agreement with Ontario Power Generation, Bruce Power operates and maintains Bruce Nuclear Generating Station A (Bruce A), Bruce Nuclear Generating Station B (Bruce B), each containing 4 CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium) reactors, as well as several ancillary facilities. Examples of ancillary facilities include the Bruce Power Visitors’ Centre, Sewage Treatment Facilities, Business Support Centre, Central Maintenance Facility, Central Storage Facility (MCR), Bruce Learning Centre and onsite warehouses and storage facilities.
The Bruce Power Environment Management System (EMS) scope includes Bruce A, Bruce B as well as the on-site ancillary facilities and supporting infrastructure, leased and operated on the Bruce Power site, as well as the Bruce Power Visitors’ Centre. The EMS excludes most off-site facilities, such as the Bruce Technology Skills Training Centre (BTSTC), the Toronto office due to the low environmental impact nature of activities occurring in those facilities. The Kincardine MCR Training Centre has also been excluded from the EMS.
For more than a decade, our systematic approach to environmental management has been through the adoption of the ISO 14001 standard, a globally recognized third party certified Environmental Management System, maintained by over 300,000 companies worldwide. This standard provides us with a framework to ensure we meet our legal requirements, as well as the ability to identify beyond compliance opportunities.
Bruce Power conforms to ISO 14001, Environmental Management System (EMS), demonstrating its commitment to continual improvement in the area of environment and sustainability. EMS certification also fulfills the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Licence requirement of Environmental Protection. The EMS assists Bruce Power in managing compliance obligations from regulatory agencies as well as commitments and issues identified through engagement with Indigenous communities and stakeholder groups.
Regulatory agencies that govern the operation of the Bruce Power facility span the federal, provincial and municipal level and include: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Grey-Bruce Health Unit, Municipality of Kincardine and Municipality of Saugeen Shores. As noted above, Indigenous communities include: Chippewa’s of Nawash Unceded First Nation and Saugeen First Nation known together as the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON), Historic Saugeen Métis (HSM) and Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO). On-site stakeholder groups are those within the perimeter fence and include: Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Hydro One, and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL). Bruce Power also engages with the general public and has established relationships with external interest stakeholder groups. Bruce Power is continually looking for partnerships with community stakeholder groups that share common philosophies or focus in the areas of conservation, preservation, restoration, remediation, quality improvement, education, awareness, research and development.
Ongoing assessments of the environment in which Bruce Power operates demonstrates achievement of established environmental objectives and targets enhancing the environmental performance of the company. Identification and management of environmental aspects are achieved through routine effluent, emissions, and environmental monitoring programs.
Bruce Power is Canada’s only private sector nuclear generator, annually producing 30 per cent of Ontario’s power at 30 per cent less than the average cost to generate residential power.. As a leading clean energy company committed to providing approximately a third of Ontario’s electricity annually, Bruce Power understands and embraces the important role it plays to support climate change initiatives, and acknowledges the importance of life-cycle analysis. The Bruce Power EMS identifies, manages, and communicates environmental impacts and aspects and exerts influences associated with the life cycle of nuclear power generation associated with the output , distribution and power usage where possible.
The Bruce Power EMS is an integrated part of the Bruce Power culture and is reviewed and endorsed by various levels of the organization. Our company and our employees recognize our environmental responsibilities and want to ensure our place in the energy supply mix for generations to come. With a sustainable business future in mind, the drive for continuous improvement, the commitment to further minimize our operational footprint, the foresight to respect and protect the natural environment remains at the forefront of business decisions.