Through a partnership with Indspire, Bruce Power will present scholarships to local Indigenous youth through the Building Brighter Futures Indigenous Post-Secondary Award, which provides $4,000 to local Indigenous students who have completed at least on year of post-secondary education or apprenticeship programs.
Applicants must complete their form online at

Vernon Roote Memorial Youth Leadership Award
The Vernon Roote Youth Leadership Scholarship is awarded annually to a youth from Saugeen First Nation to support their post-secondary education. The $1,500 scholarship is awarded to alumni of the Saugeen First Nation’s Leaders in Training Program. This scholarship is both a tribute to Vernon’s commitment to language and cultural preservation, and to the development of youth over the many years of his public service.

Berdina Johnston Memorial Youth Leadership Award
The Berdina Johnston Youth Leadership Scholarship is awarded annually to a youth from the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation to support their post-secondary education. The $1,500 scholarship is awarded to alumni of Neyaashiinigmiing’s Leaders in Training Program. This scholarship is a tribute to Berdina’s commitment over the many years of her public service to the development of youth and the preservation of language and culture.

Greg Nadjiwon Health & Wellness Scholarship Award
The Greg Nadjiwon Health & Wellness Scholarship is awarded annually to a youth from the Saugeen Ojibway Nation to support their post-secondary education. The $1,500 scholarship award will go to one deserving student to support their educational journey and who desires a career in the field of health and wellness and emphasizes a healthier living lifestyle.
The scholarship is a tribute to Greg’s commitment to the many years of his public service, his development of youth in the SON community and his leadership in supporting the isotope partnership between the Saugeen Ojibway Nation and Bruce Power.

Wilmer Nadjiwon Scholarship
The recipient of this $500 scholarship will be a secondary school graduate who holds high academic standing, while demonstrating a high level of service to their community. The recipient is selected annually by Neyaashiinigmiing’s Board of Education staff.

Owen Sound Attack Youth Sports Award
This $750 bursary is for Indigenous youth who excel academically, in sports, and in their community volunteerism. Nominations are accepted in January and February of each year. Four students are presented with the bursaries in a formal ceremony at centre ice before an Owen Sound Attack game.