Contracting Standards

The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations of the suppliers and contractors we conduct business with. We require our suppliers and all of their employees who conduct business on behalf of Bruce Power to be aware of their expectations, and to share our commitment to conducting business ethically and with the utmost integrity.

Quality Standards

The Supply Chain Quality Services Department provides oversight and expert guidance for purchased items and services to ensure compliance and alignment with the Engineering specified technical and quality requirements meeting regulatory commitments.

Key Supplier Scorecards

Scorecards are a performance measure used by Bruce Power to evaluate work executed under a contract. All work for Bruce Power is subject to scorecard review.

In addition to any other relevant basis for evaluation scorecards track performance against the following four pillars:

  • Safety (Reactor, Radiological, Industrial and Environmental)
  • Capacity
  • Quality
  • Schedule
  • Cost

Resulting scorecards will be used by both parties for continuous improvement programs and relationship management, including consideration in awarding future contracts. When entering into a contract with Bruce Power, the scorecard details will be communicated for the relevant work.

Standard Terms and Conditions for the purchase of goods

The standard terms and conditions are posted for reference only and may be amended, restated, modified or otherwise revised at the sole and absolute discretion of Bruce Power. In the event a supplier is invited to enter into negotiations with Bruce Power under standard terms and conditions, Bruce Power will circulate the appropriate standard terms and conditions (including the appropriate version of the same) for the supplier to review and provide comment.

Common causes, and solutions, for receipt inspection delays

Bruce Power reviewed 18 months of orders that have been received with an error (referred to as Over, Short, Discrepant or Damaged – OSDD – items). The review identified that OSDDs are most commonly attributed to three types of information: Certificate of Conformance Received; Material Identification; and Shelf Life Data.

BTU Report

Bruce Power must report to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) all building trades union hours (BTU hours) performed at the Bruce Power site.

All suppliers performing BTU Hours on the Bruce Power site shall be required to submit a monthly report. For questions, contact Sebastian Palazzo.